Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's

So we're a couple of days into 2010 and I have been thinking of a couple of things over the last month. I'm going to try to make 2010 a better year than the last two have been (although quite honestly the reason 2008 sucked so much a** was b/c of Trio's health problems which wasn't anyone's fault just a sucky lottery.) But this last year I haven't been satisfied with anything really except Trio and with a new year ahead of me I've decided to make some promises to myself to try to do this year. What's lucky about me is that my wedding anniversary is the day after New Year's so I get to celebrate a lot of things all at once. So here (in no particular order) are some of my promises:

1) Will try to not be as picky--the one thing I regret about this last year is I went to the mat on a lot of stupid stuff with Albert. I usually pride myself on being one of those where I fight when it is worth it. This year I will try to be less b*tchy w/o being a pushover and without making mountains out of molehills.

2) More patience--this is more so for my son and niece; I don't have a lot of patience for her as of late and I don't know why it is but I do anticipate it to be getting better this year especially if I have a different job than the one I am currently doing and the time I have with her will be fewer. As harsh as that sounds I do somewhat believe that with kids that are not your own you have to have time to miss them to appreciate them more. Hell sometimes you need that with your own immediate family. So I'm hoping it works out because not only could we use the money I would get from the job but I do want more patience with my niece because she is one of my special girls.

3) Be more positive--I think a lot of my stress stems from the fact that I worry a lot and I don't think that's going to change. So while I'll worry I'm going to be positive about it. Makes sense? Well it does in my mind and that's is what is important. I tend to look more towards the dark sides of things so I need to look toward the light!!

So far that is it but I am going to do it!! Especially if I get the job I'll be able to feel like I'm doing more to help and be able to spoil myself a little more and Trio instead of constantly worrying about money. I know people say "more money, more problems" but as long as we don't get too many new bills we should be fine.

Happy New Years!!

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