Friday, August 12, 2011

Time, Time, Time

Oh how I wish I had more of it.

But then again who doesn't. My issue is that even with the (now) later shift that I work and weekends (real weekends mind you Sat/Sun) off I still feel like I don't have enough time to do what I want.

Like write: although that is also more of a computer thing. I like typing so when I write, whether it's blogging, an article for Associated Content (although now I think it's Yahoo something) or a story, I prefer typing to writing longhand. Reason for this is with writing longhand I get tired a lot quicker plus my penmanship is not that great. So somethings get lost in translation and yes I'm a big enough of a person to admit that I have looked at something I have written myself and been like "What the hell is that suppose to be?" But the issue is the last story I was writing (which was going to be a teenager novel driven for girls) I had written about one quarter to one third when my ancient laptop I got my first year of college in 2001 (God bless it) CRAPPED out on me and I lost most of the progress. I'm sure I can salvage most of it but I'm nervous about trying to do it on the laptop. Albert has been after me to get a new one anyways so when we can afford it I am gonna get one and just start saving it on a flash drive so I won't have to worry about too much of it disappearing. Because as much as I want to write and as much as these ideas fight in my head I do not like putting so much effort in it only to have it go to waste.

Family: My new shift is 6pm-3am which gives me more time during the day with my boys. But it also means that at the earliest I'm not getting to sleep until 3:30. Trying to wake up at 9ish is a heck of a lot harder to wake up from then going to sleep at 2:30. But I make do. I mean it will be easier when school starts and we're no longer watching the Girl, so I'm not going to be at my office for 12 FREAKING HOURS!! Because honestly after about 9 my body is like "B*tch you're suppose to be at home why are you still here?" /sigh Albert says I do well enough, but I always feel like it is not enough. I guess that is the plight of the working mom. Maybe I should read that Chicken Soup that KaCee got before the Book Box shut down (which is SUCH SADNESS but is another blog...once I come to full terms with it).

Of course I always make time for reading. To be honest if I had a computer that didn't occasionally go on strike, I would probably write for about 30 minutes when I came home from work or during my breaks at work. But even with that I feel like I'm not doing enough that I want. I figured out some Kindle math the other day and realized that out of the 107 readable books (by that I mean books you can read straight through not including dictionarys, cookbooks, etc) that I have read 44. It's those darn freebies! One click free book is soooo dangerous for any bibliophile. Oh well.

It's probably all just a matter of getting use to the new shift. Once that happens hopefully most if not all these time worries will not be so worrisome. Until next time Fair Reader.

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