Saturday, December 5, 2009

Nerdy Glee

I am a nerd. Not in that traditional sense such as I know Star Wars or Star Trek or any of that but there are some things that send me into bouts of nerd glee!!

Such as borrowing the second season of Big Bang Theory! I love this show! I don't get any of the physics jokes (liberal arts major) but I do love the intelligent humor behind it. I love that there is a show on TV with actual intelligent jokes behind it. I seriously think Albert is going to have to buy these for me or I will bug him until he does with references to the show and jokes from the show. Of course if he buys them for me they will no doubt get worse.

What else sends me into bouts of nerd glee? Glee! The show! I squealed like a schoolgirl when they sang "Defying Gravity" on an episode. (Poor Albert). I just love the show soooo much I'm sorry I missed so much in the middle when I was going out on Wednesdays to get a break but coming on the way is repeats for the holiday season!! Whee!!

I am such a nerd! I embrace my inner nerd. And like nerds obviously I love Albert (he's a huge Star Wars nerd. Don't ask. He is just trust me). I also love the nerd books by Vicki Lewis Thompson which if you haven't read you should really try.

Nothing really deep here. Just enjoying my nerd-ness!!

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