Saturday, November 28, 2009

Respect the Turkey!!

So I realize this blog may be late but I've noticed something over the last few years and I just have to comment on it. It shouldn't be ranty but hopefully it will be funny so enjoy.

There is a definite lack of respect for the turkey in our country which I find somewhat ironic. Everyone knows about the Pilgrims and Indians and giving thanks for you know not all the Pilgrims dying their first year here when they settled. Every year growing up, I looked forward to seeing my family for Thanksgiving since the last family holiday beforehand is Labor Day if you even get together then you know? But the poor turkey is getting ousted slowly more and more each year. Last year Majic 95.5 started playing Christmas music the day after Halloween!! Thankfully they didn't do that this year. Don't get me wrong I like Christmas carols and the holiday as much as the next girl but please can we wait until Black Friday before we go Christmas crazy? I mean come on it is just silly how quickly people change from Halloween to Christmas, forgetting that little holiday in the middle called Thanksgiving.

All this month I've been saying "Respect the turkey!" and I mean it for many reasons. Thanksgiving is important to our history as America because you know what not every country celebrates it. It's important to also really take the time to think about what you're thankful for. When our country is bursting at the seams with kids (and adults) who have everything they want and they take it for granted you need to be humbled and realize that you are fortunate because not everyone even has warm food to eat every night. It's also because many people complain of Christmas burn-out which you would expect to happen when Christmas is stuck in your face everyday from the middle of October on. Who wouldn't get burned out a little even if it takes years for it to take place? Christmas is a time of joy and giving yet people hate the holidays because of the overkill it gets.

I challenge everyone next year to try respecting the turkey. No Christmas decorations or music until Black Friday and see if you look at Christmas with the shiny bright eyes that children do. It may surprise you the change you feel when you don't overdo it.

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