Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The "Joy" of Cooking (?)

The other night my husband and I got into a discussion that didn't end with me feeling happy. It was about food and the cooking of it. I admit that I don't do a whole lot of stuff from scratch. I tend to buy prepackaged and boxed meals for the quickness and convenience. So for whatever reason that I can't even remember how it got to that it felt like he criticized my cooking skills because I use that convenience citing you couldn't really call it cooking it was basically just warming up.

And that of course upset me.

I can cook. I can cook and bake very well thankyouverymuch. I just don't do it all the time. And while I would like to say it's because I have no time I know that is not true. Usually I'm just lazy and don't want to go to the trouble of cooking something so complex unless there's a reason for it. Sometimes I feel guilty but a lot of times I don't simply because there is a reason there are convenient boxes like that. I may be a SAHM but that doesn't mean I want to half of my day cooking something for dinner.

However it upset me so much that I told him "Fine. I'll start making things from scratch all we have to buy is meat and spices and some sides and we'll see how well this works out in the long run". And while I do realize it is a good thing in the long run it is pride that caused me to say that. I felt like he was attacking my domestic skills and that is very annoying because I feel I do a lot better than most women in my position. So what if I don't always cook from scratch? So what if sometimes I make Hamburger Helper and some frozen veggies for dinner? What's the big deal?

Plus cooking from scratch is a little frustrating in this house because of what I "can't" cook; all the good recipes are cut in half b/c he doesn't eat seafood. He doesn't eat tomatoes, or onions either so I can't make stuff like that unless the taste is really hidden or I can substitute something. I realized this when I checked cookbooks out of the library the other day. While I am going to continue on in my new way of thinking, I do anticipate a lot of frustration and bickering b/c of what I can't make with his preference. Because eventually what will happen is I will make something with onions or tomatoes and just tell him to spit it out because it makes the food as a whole taste better.

If nothing else this should be interesting.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Home Again Jiggety Jig

So I'm back in Pflugerville from my trip to Houston. I had an awesome time there and I learned a few things along the way such as the Houston Children's Museum is a TWO adult job because of the age gap between my niece and son. I enjoyed driving through the old Alma Mater (although next time I go to H-town I am so getting down and walking around) and enjoyed getting my son some UH gear so come football time he can support my team!

However as stated before being back there was somewhat bittersweet. I remembered my time there and all the years and memories I made. I had my own special places I liked to go there and it was weird being back knowing that it wasn't my life or home anymore.

Now I know most people think Houston is a cesspool but I loved it there. While I'm not sure I would want to move back anymore because of all the violence I heard about going on there in my one week I wouldn't mind going and visiting more often.

But now I'm back home and I need to get ready for the school year and baby sitting again. Not to mention it is going to be Casino season again and I will really be enjoying that money especially since we're trying to pay off all our credit card debt which is not as bad as some others. It will just be a way to start off fwhat my normal routine is during the school year. That and more meetups which will be awesome for Trio.

I guess this whole trip showed me that home is where you make it. I enjoyed my time away but I was happy to get back even if both the coming and going were bittersweet.

Monday, August 17, 2009


So I am currently in Houston for a couple of days to visit some old college friends and take a break from Austin. I have Trio as well as my niece and father with me (Albert opted not to come as he hates Houston with the passion of a thousand fiery suns). I wondered how it would be coming back here after being away for so long.

For those who do not know I went to school here at the University of Houston. So this is the first place I lived apart from my immediate family and the first place I had a life of my own. Many people don't get that is part of my love for Houston. I must admit I got a little nostalgic when I saw the 610/59 split I use to take to head to UH coming from Austin. I got to meet with a friend (SO AWESOME TO SEE HER) and go to H.O.P or House of Pies.

And I do miss it here. Most people think of Houston as a festering hole of smog and crime but....this is the first place I had a life of my own. Houston will always have a place in my heart and as such it will always be special to me. I miss it here I miss it a lot to the point where part of me would love to move back although it would never happen (see note on Albert above).

So all I can do is enjoy the time I have here before next week creeps up on me and school begins and as such my babysitting job which I am grateful for as I do need more of an income flow on my part. I am loving the time with Trio here even more even though the heat is sapping him. Tomorrow we should be going to the Aquarium Downtown (I will post on his blog if that happens) and I want to go to the Children's Museum I may just suck it up and pay the $7.00 per person.

Like I said it's just a little hard being here because it does hurt a little to fully know that the Houston part of my life is over. I love being a mommy don't get me wrong but I would like being a mommy here too. It's just one of those things I guess that will always be a little bittersweet.