Friday, April 20, 2012

Random Updates

So update on all that is me. I've been (again) horrible about keeping up to date with this but I think I'm going to make more of an effort (again I say) to try to keep this updated. Not only to keep my writing ability from getting rusty but I do miss writing and just blogging in general. ^_^

Anyhow the first major update is I got a promotion and raise at my job!! Yay!! It's a bit bittersweet to be honest--for those of you who watch the news my company laid off 600 people at the end of February and honestly everyone is still kind of adjusting from that. A lot of my friends were the ones who let go, people who have been there longer than me, so I had and still do have a bit of survivor's guilt.

But I am soooo happy about my promotion not only because it means more money but because I feel like I'm actually moving up and that there is a chance for this to go on. This is the first job that I feel I'm actually very good at and that I'm valued at. I love my job and I love the customers (most of the time). And I love the company I work for. Yeah we're in a rough patch but ultimately through random things like the picnic, end of the year of the office party, and random gifts throughout the year, this company has shown they appreciate their employees more than any other company I've been with or heard about.

Sure I did okay in daycare but the main problem there was the pay (which sucked) the parents (who were on occassion very mean) and the company where I felt just like a number. There is also the idea that I was raised and as such come from a different idealogy of parenting/child caring than what is prevelant now. I don't believe kids like they're equals all the time because they're not. Yes you can have a dialogue and difference of opinions but at the end of the day you're the adult/parent and what you say goes. I know most people hate hearing it (until they actually become parents) but the whole my roof my rules is still accurate. Once Trio gets there and I know he will I have no problem telling "Hey when you're on your own and you're working and using your money to pay your bills then do whatever the hell you want. Until then what I say goes." /shrugs

I also do not believe in not saying "no". The reason they have for this is because "it's negative".....of course it's negative it's suppose to be! When you're telling a kid no it is because they're do something dangerous or something you've told them not to do. No is so abrasive that I think it is what makes a kid stop and actually listen and stop as opposed to the "Oh no you may not do that" and or whatever it is.

*Sidenote: I tell Trio stop or freeze as opposed to no when he's about to do something really dangerous like run in the street. Read it in a parenting magazine and honestly the difference in the words makes him stop*.

Anyways that's enough randomness. I have to leave myself ideas in other blogs. I think the next one will be about my brand new toy the Kindle Fire vs. my other Kindle. Yay technology!!