Friday, January 28, 2011

Kindle Addiction

So this year for Christmas between everything that has happened the Hubster and I decided to give one big gift and two little ones. My big gift ended up being a Kindle. After much time on the fence about whether or not to get an Ereader I told him that yes I wanted one. Don't get me wrong-I still look paper books. There is something tangible about paper books-the touch smell etc. Plus I've been collecting books for awhile and there are a few that I will never part with no matter how much the Hubster tries-there a collection and I want to keep them.

That being said I do see the convenience of a Kindle-for me it's about only being able to "see" a few books at a time unlike at a bookstore where I can roam. Even online it's tedious after awhile going through pages and pages of books you may or may not like. Also with one click the book is already mine and in my Kindle library. I also like what I've noticed to be a big price difference. Now with regular paperbacks (ie "pocketbooks") the difference in price is about a dollar (or if you're lucky free but more on that later). However with hardbacks it's almost over 50% which is AWESOME for me. There are a bunch of series I read and I like to read them right away but unlike a lot of other bibliophiles I hate hardbacks. They're heavy cumbersome and not easy to read laying down at night. And they are hella expensive at almost 30 dollars. No thank-yes Mr Kindle I will take the 12.99 over that ANY day.
Also there are a lot of free books!! Now granted most of them are Christian fiction so if that's not your thing you may not be as excited. Irregardless they're pretty good reads and hey even if they aren't you paid 0.00 for them so there's no real loss. You can even delete them off your Kindle if it that was atrocious. However it is very easy to get to clicking on the freebies or getting the books from other ereader formats where you don't have to pay (hm..cough cough) so in total I have 35 books on my Kindle right now and I've only had it for over a month so be wary.

And I am ashamed to admit my Kindle already has a war wound. I left it within reach of little hands and so it was removed from my awesome leather light case without the release hooks. So the hooks in the case are all bent to hell and there is a chip in the hook holes on the Kindle. However it hasn't affected the reading capability as of yet and it is cosmetic so Amazon won't cover a replacement and not that I really need one. It's small not a big deal overall and hey it was my fault so live and learn right? Plus I get a new case which we'll see how it works until/unless I can get the hooks arightened in the old one.

Overall I love my Kindle. I feel it was a good investment and I can carry a load of books in one tiny device. However despite what others may think or say I will never give up on paper books.

Sorry hubster. :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Years/Anniversaries

The beginning of a new year is always awesome for me. First off it's a brand new year and I must say that I am happy to see 2011 and have many hopes for the upcoming year. While 2010 was good for me safe for those last few months where it seemed like a snowball effect of bad stuff, I am holding out that 2011 will be good for me and my family all around. It's the beginning of a new year. You can have resolutions (or not) you can start all over with jobs, working out, being more patient with everyone. It's a new dawn and a new day so go ahead and feel good (so good, so good good good good good)

Also my anniversary is January 2nd. So it's another wonderful year of marriage to my hubby. To say our marriage is perfect is laughable because I really do not think any marriage is-I've always felt if a marriage is perfect than someone is not being themselves. Human nature leads us to have conflict with many people whether they be family, spouses, friends, or children. But we've been a lot in these last few months and especially the last few years with Trio's health problems. So I'm very happy to say that we're still going strong. We still love each other, still love going out and spending time alone with each other, and even though we bicker fight and disagree at the end of the day we sleep happily next to each other. I love my husband and I'm h happy to have celebrated my 7th year of marriage with him. We have stayed by each other and supported each other even when Trio's health problems looked dire, when one of us was jobless and we were struggling to make it on one income, and can still laugh. That says a lot and for me between the new year and anniversary, my year always starts off with a bang. :)