Saturday, November 28, 2009

Respect the Turkey!!

So I realize this blog may be late but I've noticed something over the last few years and I just have to comment on it. It shouldn't be ranty but hopefully it will be funny so enjoy.

There is a definite lack of respect for the turkey in our country which I find somewhat ironic. Everyone knows about the Pilgrims and Indians and giving thanks for you know not all the Pilgrims dying their first year here when they settled. Every year growing up, I looked forward to seeing my family for Thanksgiving since the last family holiday beforehand is Labor Day if you even get together then you know? But the poor turkey is getting ousted slowly more and more each year. Last year Majic 95.5 started playing Christmas music the day after Halloween!! Thankfully they didn't do that this year. Don't get me wrong I like Christmas carols and the holiday as much as the next girl but please can we wait until Black Friday before we go Christmas crazy? I mean come on it is just silly how quickly people change from Halloween to Christmas, forgetting that little holiday in the middle called Thanksgiving.

All this month I've been saying "Respect the turkey!" and I mean it for many reasons. Thanksgiving is important to our history as America because you know what not every country celebrates it. It's important to also really take the time to think about what you're thankful for. When our country is bursting at the seams with kids (and adults) who have everything they want and they take it for granted you need to be humbled and realize that you are fortunate because not everyone even has warm food to eat every night. It's also because many people complain of Christmas burn-out which you would expect to happen when Christmas is stuck in your face everyday from the middle of October on. Who wouldn't get burned out a little even if it takes years for it to take place? Christmas is a time of joy and giving yet people hate the holidays because of the overkill it gets.

I challenge everyone next year to try respecting the turkey. No Christmas decorations or music until Black Friday and see if you look at Christmas with the shiny bright eyes that children do. It may surprise you the change you feel when you don't overdo it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Whiny Blog

*Warning: This is going to be a whiny blog. Sorry if you don't like it but I don't do it very often, it's my blog, and I want to whine. Feel free to stop reading if you feel like it though I don't mind*

For the most part we've been fortunate enough to afford me staying at home but as of the last few months it seems like we will no longer be that fortunate. I mean a whole bunch of stuff has fallen upon us such as this crap with the car which we thought was a water pump but turns out to be a nasty crack in the radiator not to mention a sensor and thermostat needing to be replaced since it overheated already. So that is going to cost us a pretty penny which will go on the credit card and it just seems to be another drop in an overflowing bucket.

I mean we're still pretty far from our limits on the cards so I suppose I should be grateful since a couple of friends are already at their limit and have tons of credit card debt. If you look at it that way then we're pretty damn good because our debt is really not that much. However it still sucks that our money is so tight lately that we can't even go out on a date night somewhere cheap because we can't afford it. And it sucks because it seems like karma is just giving us the big old middle finger which is very frustrating you know because we've helped out people before and we've done good things for family when they needed help and you would think the universe would be nice to us or something and I realize that you don't do good things as a tally I know this but it still doesn't stop the suckiness.

And I know people are thinking "Paige don't you have a degree?" and yes, yes I do but do you know what it's in? Creative Writing; do you know why people become authors? Because they're creative yes and they like to write yes and let's be honest another quality is liking to drink I do have all these qualities but another reason is because they're okay with people but no one would ever call them social butterflies by any means and I'm that way. I have friends I go out it's not like I'm a hermit but sometimes I like being alone and sometimes I am socially awkward in new situations and it sucks but I can't help that. I'm a homebody and I like to be alone sometimes and writing is a good way to do that. So yes Virginia I have a degree but it's in a degree where most of the time I am at home, looking at a computer screen and getting my ideas down on paper. And until I feel proud enough of a manuscript to actually send it out to find an agent I'm boned because I'm stuck in an endless rut it feels like.

Don't get me wrong I like my degree and I am very proud of it but I'm also realistic enough to realize that with the degree I have I can't go into an office an expect to get a damn good paying job. I know that this too shall pass and Casino season is around the corner so I'll get a little bit more money and that I might get an agent and all this will be something to laugh about.

But I can't pretend it doesn't suck a lot and I can't pretend that I'm overjoyed at looking for a job where I'm stuck in an office away from my child and my husband at night. Whine whine whine piss piss piss moan moan moan.

And I'm done. Thanks.

Monday, November 16, 2009

To Daycare or To Not Daycare.

Okay I have touched this briefly in blogs before but in light of so many people bugging me about I have to get on a soapbox and rant for awhile. If you've read any of my rants before you know what you're in for if not well here we go.

I HATE HATE HATE how everyone seems to think that they should constantly share their opinion when it comes to how to raise a child and whether you should go back to work or not. While I know I may have to get a job I am looking for one that is as much opposite Albert's schedule as humanly possible without actually being a graveyard shift so we don't have to put Trio in daycare. Why you ask? Why not, people say. Your child really should be in daycare, they say.

Lemme tell you something. Telling a SAHM that her child needs to be in daycare for social/developmental/whatever reason you can possibly think of is on par with telling a working mom she should keep her butt at home and take care of her child. See? How's that sound? Not so nice when the shoe is on the other foot is it? It sounds harsh and judgemental doesn't it? Well that street runs both ways and don't you for a second doubt it. It's different strokes for different folks and having worked in daycare I have no earthly desire to put my child into any daycare I don't care how good it is. It's not even necessarily because of the germs or kids getting left behind in a classroom because honestly mistakes like that happen. The main reason is it's too damn expensive. It is too expensive for what you get and you don't get a lot because whenever there is something new and fun coming along like guests to entertain the kids or going on field trips guess what? You have an increase in tuition or have to pay a "special" price just for Spring Break, Winter Vacation, Summer Holiday, blah blah blah. That's more money that you have to pay in addition to the arm and leg that daycare is already costing you.

Plus the turnover is atrocious mainly because they sometimes hire little teenagers who think "Oh daycare" and think it is just playing with cute babies and freak out the first time they have to change a dirty diaper of (gasp) clean up puke!! I am so not a girly girl therefore I don't need nor want a girly girl taking care of my son because he's all boy meaning there will be puke, pee, poop, blood and yes sometimes various combinations of all of the above. You have people who have been there so long they just don't care to tell the teacher you relieves them anything so you go pick your kid up and the teacher honestly can't tell you why there is a bite mark on your child because she wasn't informed of it. Or you have lazy teachers who don't do anything to help or clean so it all falls on one person and as luck would have it that's the teacher who actually wants to make it fun but now they have no time.

I like staying at home with my son. Yes sometimes he drives me up the wall especially with my car being out of commission but you know what? I wouldn't trade it. Why would I at this age? If he was in school it would be one thing but he's not. Why work at a job that I have lukewarm feelings towards at best only to have a large percentage of my check go to daycare? Yes if you're like a lawyer then daycare is not that big of a dent but for us other people it is.

Bottom line is this; some people like be working moms some don't. Some people are content to stay at home and others are bored out of their minds. The thing we choose. The women's movement back in the sixties wasn't necessarily for the right to work although that was a big hunk. It was for the right to choose what we, as women, as mothers, as wives wanted to do. We didn't want the options to disappear once we got married and suddenly we were house women doing nothing but cooking, cleaning, and popping out babies. If we wanted to work we wanted to choose to work. If we were fine staying at home well that's all well too. But no you have Femi-nazis making you feel horrible when you want to stay home giving you diatribe like "You need to work and your child should be in daycare"

Bump. That.

I choose to stay at home. I have many friends who choose to work. Neither option makes us better mothers than the other one because we're still mothers. We still worry about our child when they're coughing a lung up in their sleep, we still cuddle and comfort them when they fall or when they're sick or when they have hurt feelings from a friend. We still love our children more than anything in the world no matter if we punch in a time clock or our child's babbles are our alarm clock. And people need to realize that and stop perpetuating this fight between working moms and moms who stay at home because all it is the end is a decision that you made because you felt it was right for you and your family in the long run. I've given you the reason why I don't like daycare but not everybody has that experience. Some people love the daycare their kids go to and that's great because you have to feel completely comfortable in that situation. However it's not for me.

And I feel I should add if you are one of those constantly trying to get friends to defer to your side whichever it may be you need to stop and think if you're really happy in the position you choose and stop picking on the other side. Because if you're so certain that your choice was the best that you make others feel bad when they don't make the same one then maybe you're not as certain you made the right decision as you want others to believe.

*steps off box*

I'm done.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pitfalls of Parenting and Gift Giving

As Christmas and his birthday approach, I realize Trio is about to be bombarded with lots of presents which should inspire me to go through toys (and clothes) and get rid of a lot of stuff. Which I will...soon...eventually...maybe...

But it also made me realize part of the annoying parts of being a parent is dealing with gifts from well meaning people. I mean how many parents of daughters out there really like the Bratz dolls? Come on be honest....tell you what, I'll start. I think they're whores. Little bitty whores with big creepy eyes and if I had a daughter there is no way in h-e-double hockey sticks I would let my daughter have one. Barbie I can deal with only because at least she aspires to be something like a doctor or an astronaut. Bratz? No they're just horrible.

And therein lies a problem if people don't listen to you when you say "Hey don't buy that I don't like that toy for my child" and when they ignore you and get it guess what either you have to compromise your beliefs and let the child have it or be the bad guy. Karma doesn't play which is why I always ask parents when buying gifts "Is there anything you don't want them to have?" because I want it to be paid forward for me.

My thing? I hate Spongebob Squarepants. There I said it. Whether it is because for one month at CCY the kids on the Big Floor watched that or because I honestly believe it makes kids stupid I hate Spongebob. I don't even let Trio get a glimpse of it and I had to have an awkward moment with my dad the other day (awkward for me anyways to tell him hey don't do this) when I said "We don't let him watch Spongebob" after walking in one day and it being on the TV. Seriously when I saw it on the TV and knew my son was in the vicinity I shuddered. I hate it that much.

So now with Christmas and the birthday rolling around I am going to have to tell people "Nothing Spongebob". See I don't mind returning a gift or exchanging it if it doesn't fit or if he already has it or if it is, say, the product of someone I think makes kids stupid. Anything else I'm fine with. Do I relish the idea of him getting a football and being brought up like most Texans boys that football is a religion and your priorities should be "God, football, everything else?" No...but I will take it over Spongebob any day of the week.

The pitfalls of being a parent is when no one listens to you and then by the time they do you've already snapped at them because they keep on ignoring you when you say something thinking you're not serious. Well for all those out there, friends and family believe me when I say that if you buy him Spongebob it's going back so why waste your money? I mean I listen to others; my sister actually told me no Bratz for my niece and I said "Well I wouldn't anyways sooooo" because yeah no. So please remember that in this gift giving season when someone tells you they don't want their child to have something there is a reason for it.

And be warned that what goes around comes around; buy my kid Spongebob and when it's your turn I will get the most annoying toy I can find with NO switch to turn it off.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

All Over Rambling

I've forgotten how annoying it is to wait to hear from a place where you put in an application. I didn't have to do that with CCY; I came down for a weekend, interviewed, and pretty much had the job when I was on the road back to Houston to finish getting ready to move back to Austin. I mean, my friend Marie told me that I shouldn't worry; I have a degree so I am a good addition. This is true but now businesses won't hire you if they feel you're overqualified for something. I applied to Hastings bookstore, and to be a Sales Executive for Parent Wise: Austin and I'm thinking of applying to Twin Liquors. At this point I am somewhat desperate because we're going to need more money soon and casino season is looking like it is not going to be nearly as good as last year.

I also put on my Facebook that if you need help writing papers I'll help. True I might get twelve year olds who have to write book reports but hey if they want to pay the $15-$30 depending on how hard it is and how much time it takes why not? I helped Marie write her resignation letter the other day so I feel confident it is something I can do especially considering English was my major and even though the emphasis was on creative writing I spent a lot of time having to write papers on non-creative stuff. Plus I do want to be a writer; I am even participating in NaNoWriMo this year for the first time (I attempted last year but with Trio still under a year and the eventful year we had I just didn't have the energy) so maybe that will help too. I do like staying at home with Trio and if I have a job I can do from home where I make decent money I'm all about that. Even when/if we have another one and they're both in school I wouldn't mind staying at home and writing or doing something else.

Here's the thing; you may be thinking I'm one of those "typical" SAHMs who want to do nothing but stay at home all day even when they kids are in high school. Not true although if I can work and I do emphasis WORK from home why not? Why not be there to help with homework or hear if they had a problem in school that day? However if it is not possible I will get a job even if I can't be home when they get off work. Do I want my kids to be latchkey? No I don't however if it is necessary I will teach the ways of being a latchkey which is just logic and only necessary if I don't know my neighbors at all so there's no one else who can help keep an eye on them. That's the joy of living in a close neighborhood; you get help when you need it.

So basically I'm trying to find a job, one of which involves staying at home and will (maybe hopefully) lead into a job writing columns or articles for one of the best known parenting magazine in Austin which would be more awesome than Hastings because of base pay and commission and no tempting employee discount when it comes to buying books although I will take Hastings. I'm writing a book for NaNoWriMo and I'm thinking about if I need to really get a job in four years when Trio is in school.

Morning thoughts are always all over the place.