Monday, December 20, 2010


That is the only word I can think of to describe how I feel today. Grateful.

I met up with a friend from my Mom's Group of which I have been absent as of late. Between work and having to adjust to Albert not working, the car not working, moving, and just getting off some mandatory OT not to mention working casinos to help, I haven't had a lot of time for hanging out with people lately. Man I haven't even had time to read as much I like to and if you know me you know that means I haven't had much time. I did manage to keep in contact with a few of them and they heard about the time I have had as of late. And they got me a gift basket which I received today.

My heart is so full right now because of everything that they found to give to us out of the generosity of their hears. It's amazing and...words cannot accurately describe how I feel right now. It just makes you realize that for every bad thing that you feel or will happen to you a wonderful fantastic thing will follow. I think it's good to be reminded of this especially right before Christmas. I just wanted to share my story with y'all.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Holy Moley!! It's been hella long since I've updated my own Blog. o.0

I'll try to do a quick recap since February. A lot has changed:

First off I am a working woman again!! I have been working full time since March 8th and it is fantastic. I love my job and what I do and hey the hours I work help us avoid the cost of daycare which is always a plus. With the year winding down work has gotten busy lately especially with the holidays (mandatory OT FTW) but it's a good kind of busy. Being busy is helping me especially as of late to try to avoid the wrath I feel when I remember that...

Albert got fired. Yeah his job decided to fire him for some complete utter BS. Which yeah I know everyone says that when they get fired but honestly what pisses me off is that they put two extra things on his sheet (his getting fired sheet if you will) that were complete nonsense. Had only the first thing been on there still would have been annoyed. It was the addition of the other two that hinted to me that this was a petty act started by someone who is petty and cruel. I mean don't get me wrong Albert wasn't happy with his job at all as of late and I know he's glad to be done of it I just wanted it to end on his terms and not theirs and not like that. But whatever I tell myself the same thing when people's stupidity and pettiness directly affects me and it gets me through. God don't like ugly-and while the repurcussions of the acts you choose to do out of spite and malice may not come right away they will. That's why I try not to get mad at little things anymore. I've done some pretty ugly petty things before intentionally and just some messed up things unintentionally and when something is rough for me I try to take it in stride. (note I said "try" doesn't always work but then again I'm not perfect).

As a result of Albert losing his job we moved back in with my dad and sister since while I make decent money (in my mind) it's not enough to support me and my boys. So it's looking like we're going to stay at their place awhile and then try to find a bigger place together just to help each other out in the long run. It's one of those things that I really can't comment on if it's good or bad-as long as it is different from the first time. We're all wiser and older and have better expectations so here's hoping.

Pretty much that's my life in a nutshell. Now that we're living with dad and my sister and they have internet I may be updating more often. Thanks for listening.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm Employed!!!

Well I got the job @ Blizzard!! They called me Tuesday of last week to inform me of their intent to extend a job offer to me. I must admit when they called I was flustered because I had been grocery shopping with Trio who was cranky on "Snow Day" and my Target card had been declined for some reason (even though I just paid on it and had mucho credit left over). Also was hearing what the training hours were (8-5 am ay yi yi). But then I talked to my friends who already work there and after they were done laughing at the misfortune of my training hours they were quick to reassure me that it wouldn't stay that way; a couple of days in they give me a sheet with available hours on it and I rank them. She also told me another way to get the hours I want but I'm not telling : ). This job because it is Blizzard has a lot of shush shush to it which I get so I am not going to be able to talk a lot about my job which I get and agree with because if you're paying me what I'm going to be getting paid I'll treat everything like it's a matter of national security no problems. Plus they treat them employees good which is a lot body then I can say for the last big company I worked for which shall remain nameless (but if you're an observant reader I'm sure you know which one it is) so yay for me for getting employed!!

Yesterday I was able to go buy books as a result of a bet I made with Albert a couple of months ago. The terms were being able to buy up to 8 books (which I did) and I am sooo happy. Well a little bummed because some of the books I wanted weren't there so I had to make do buying some other ones that look interesting. I told Albert he didn't want to know how much I spent LOL and he agreed but needless to say I'm good on books for awhile. I need to take some over to Beth's for credit but that will be later once I adjust a little better to my new schedule (training at least) but I have a week before that starts.

Well that's all for now!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What's Best for My Family

Wow I just realized how long it has been since I updated my blog as opposed to Trio's. So here we go on a quick recap of what's going on in my life.

I had an interview for the job I applied for but haven't heard from them yet. I'm freaking out a little but not too much because it's a huge company so it can take awhile. And even if that doesn't work out I'm going to put my resume out to be a technical writer. From what my cousin told me it tends to be contract work so I'll be working on a certain project for x amount of months and hopefully I can work from home if not well I'll get my Dad to watch Trio. I'm still not willing to pay a buttload for daycare even if I get paid a large amount especially if I'm only working a couple of hours a day (which is another thing I gathered is what technical writers do). I realize the economy sucks and how fortunate I am that I was able to stay at home with Trio for two years and hey if things work out at the first job hopefully I'll still be able to do that all day and just have Dad take him when I need to go in (I'm trying to get 5-2am to be the latest I work God willing).

The only bad thing about that job is the time it would take away from Albert. But then again maybe it's a blessing in disguise. What I mean is maybe it will make us appreciate our time even more. I believe in marriage and happiness and all that but I also believe that once of the contributing factors to divorce (along with the top ones being money and how to raise the kids) is not enough time apart. I mean if I get the job I'll have two consecutive days off one of which will hopefully be a weekend so that is one day that Albert and I can have all to ourselves. And don't think we haven't discussed it because we have. We can have lunch together a couple of days a week just us and that one day will be just family time for awhile until we get into a routine.

I mean I'm not one of those wives that needs to spend every waking moment with her husband. While I like my time and I have no qualms about letting him know when I'm feeling neglected if we're around each other too much we want to kill each other simply because that's the way we're wired. But if this job happens it will help us be more appreciative of our time together.

Plus bottom line is we need the money. I can't pretend I'm fine living paycheck to paycheck or that we're screwed when emergencies come up. The checks I make from Casino Knights help and lately it's been good but sometimes there are periods of time where I don't get a paycheck from them at all. Like January...I got one paycheck the first week and then nothing I won't get paid until next Friday and granted it will be a kick ass check (four parties one of which was in Odessa!) who knows when that will happen again before Christmas?

I'm woman enough and mature enough to realize that this is best for my family. Neither Albert and I want daycare at all. You've read the blog about that. And if we have this money coming in plus the additional casino because I still plan on doing that as much as I can simply because so far that is the best company I've ever worked for and I have no intention of leaving them or my team leader just because. I can still do casinos every now and then and I intend to especially around Christmas (just not that one party if I get the job LOL).

So wish me luck. Wish me jobs. Wish me the energy to do it because I'm gonna be tired.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's

So we're a couple of days into 2010 and I have been thinking of a couple of things over the last month. I'm going to try to make 2010 a better year than the last two have been (although quite honestly the reason 2008 sucked so much a** was b/c of Trio's health problems which wasn't anyone's fault just a sucky lottery.) But this last year I haven't been satisfied with anything really except Trio and with a new year ahead of me I've decided to make some promises to myself to try to do this year. What's lucky about me is that my wedding anniversary is the day after New Year's so I get to celebrate a lot of things all at once. So here (in no particular order) are some of my promises:

1) Will try to not be as picky--the one thing I regret about this last year is I went to the mat on a lot of stupid stuff with Albert. I usually pride myself on being one of those where I fight when it is worth it. This year I will try to be less b*tchy w/o being a pushover and without making mountains out of molehills.

2) More patience--this is more so for my son and niece; I don't have a lot of patience for her as of late and I don't know why it is but I do anticipate it to be getting better this year especially if I have a different job than the one I am currently doing and the time I have with her will be fewer. As harsh as that sounds I do somewhat believe that with kids that are not your own you have to have time to miss them to appreciate them more. Hell sometimes you need that with your own immediate family. So I'm hoping it works out because not only could we use the money I would get from the job but I do want more patience with my niece because she is one of my special girls.

3) Be more positive--I think a lot of my stress stems from the fact that I worry a lot and I don't think that's going to change. So while I'll worry I'm going to be positive about it. Makes sense? Well it does in my mind and that's is what is important. I tend to look more towards the dark sides of things so I need to look toward the light!!

So far that is it but I am going to do it!! Especially if I get the job I'll be able to feel like I'm doing more to help and be able to spoil myself a little more and Trio instead of constantly worrying about money. I know people say "more money, more problems" but as long as we don't get too many new bills we should be fine.

Happy New Years!!