Saturday, May 30, 2009

Unappreciated and Not Paid

So at the beginning of the week we had a BBQ at my dad's with some old family friends that we recently found via MySpace. Since it was a holiday I will admit right off the bat that I got a little tipsy so not all my memories are exactly clear. What I do remember however is at the end of the night my husband was sitting down and I told Trio to get to Daddy to get something to eat. He stabbed his steak and sighed and was like "I'm tired of doing everything"

Excuse the fuck out of me? Don't get me wrong my husband is not usually that big of an asshole but I wanted to fucking rip his head off at that point. I took my son and drove home all the while fuming because I really wanted to know exactly what he thought he did that day. From all I can remember he did the meat on the grill and that was about it. I took care of our son all day even though he was off that day. I fielded all the dirty diapers, all the feeding, putting him down for a nap, making sure he had sunscreen on. I couldn't get in on the first round of dominoes because I was feeding oh as a bonus to this I had to clean up after my sister's dog peeing. Don't get me wrong I like dogs but I hate cleaning up after an animal that's not mine when the master is right freaking there. My sister who was also slightly inebriated didn't even notice her dog had peed. Oh but he did everything and I did nothing.

So this week I did everything. He really only had to do stuff with Trio once and that was when I went to my Mom's Book Club. Hell even last night while I was resting for a late night Casino party he dropped him off at my dad's so he could go play poker for our brother in law's birthday. And I'm willing to beat his ass hasn't even noticed that I pretty much asked him to do nothing involving the boy safe for the Book Club night. I took care of the evenings when he was home putting him down all that good stuff. As a result I have been very tired this week especially considering that I worked last night as well. And believe me I have had a lot to deal with one day even involving an unwated brown visitor during bath time and ending with a finished bath in the kitchen sink, emergency clean up of tub and toys and all that fun jazz.

I am getting really tired of people thinking I do nothing all day and here I am going to say something that has been on my mind since Trio was completely hospital free and I was able to start establishing a routine; my husband couldn't do it. He seriously could not do what I do all day everyday the way I do it. He couldn't even do it in a way that could be classified as decent. I watch the boy, take care of him and all that entails including emergency clean ups because of blow out diapers and poop in the tub. I keep on top of all the bills, when they need to be paid, how much and make sure they get paid on time. He is responsible for one bill and that is his credit card and 9 times out of 10 he can't remember to pay it on time I have to remind him. I keep up on what's for dinner, what groceries and other incidentials we need and I keep the house decent while doing it. Could he do that? A big fat fucking no sorry I really don't care how un PC that sounds it's true. Just now I found his ice cream pint top in the dish drainer on top of clean dishes. It's been there for at least one day because he that on Thursday night. So now because he forgot to throw something away I have to re-clean dishes.

It's a pain and this last week has not been fun at all since it's been really tense. I hate when things are like that but I also hate when people on the outside looking in (our friends) tell me that I'm so lucky to have him he's such a great guy. Don't get me wrong; he usually is and I am usually very happy. However I get tired of no one telling him how lucky he is to have me, how wonderful I am because I think I think I'm pretty damn awesome. I know I have my days where I can be an unbearable bitch but I do my best to make sure they are few and far between unless he does something to make me feel unappreciated like his little comment earlier this week. I'm still not over it probably because we didn't talk about it and never will since he's not really a talk-it-out kinda guy but I will be over it soon. Like I said I'm just tired of being unappreciated because I do a lot and most of my cleaning is picking up after a grown ass man especially one who was in the military. Shouldn't he be more anal than what he is? It just gets grueling and come the time when Trio is more hell on wheels he's going to start doing his own share because if I have to clean up after two men I'm going to go crazy.

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